Tuesday, June 10, 2008


BAKMA adalah singkatan badan Kebajikan Keluarga Haji Mustaffa Ahmad telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2005 dengan dianggotai oleh semua ahli keluarga Haji Mustaffa Ahmad (baba) dan Hajah Siti Fatimah Bt Hj Walong (ma) berpusat di kg Bakung, Pasir Mas Kelantan. Badan NGO yang berorientasikan kebajikan ini telah menganjurkan berbagai aktiviti termasuk sumbangan ikhlas kepada ahli yang sakit, berkhatan, perkahwinan, hadiah kecemerlangan pelajaran anak dari sekolah rendan hingga ke IPT dan bermacam-macam program yang telah, sedang dan akan dilaksanakan. Sebagai sebuah badan yang tidak mempunyai sumber pendapatan tetap, Bakma telah mengenakan yuran bulanan sebanyak RM10 sebulan bagi setiap keluarga. Hingga saat ini bakma dianggotai oleh
1. Ma & Baba
2. Muna & Abe Lie "F & N"- Amirrahimi, kakak, izzah, faris & anis
3. Raihan & Abe Lie "tukang urut" - Iqbal, ikmal, haziq
4. Bahri & Zubaidah - Baihaqi, atiq, athirah, Nadjmi Qardhawi
5. Alawi & Noriah - Fawwaz, mukhlis
6. Faruq & Sha - Damia
7. Ahmad Mubaraq Fikri Al-Hafiz "Ayah Su"

Alhamdulillah, hingga hari ini Bakma telah berjaya menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan baik kepada ahli2 dan Insya Allah akan meneruskan perjuangannya di masa akan datang.

Program terbaru: Lawatan / Hari Keluarga Bakma di Cameron Highland pada 25-26 Mei 2008


Cesc Zam said...


Cesc Zam said...


I do not kwow I get involved in this simple blog. Suddenly, not on purpose, I have entered in your blog.

Anyway, there are too much comments from me how to create the best blog. But I only list a few of them. ( If you do not want to receuve my comment, pls don't red )

1. The first picture.
May be this is the owner of the blog. The picture is too small and quite smart. I suggest you put your picture in corporated style. ( Sorry if you are not an corporated person ).

2. May be the second picture is your family picture. Never mind IF your blog is open only to your group member but if you open to the public, you can also insert the other picture includes your friend and country leader.

3. No updated news.
I think when i come again to your blog I can see tthe same page. Not many change occur on your b;log. You can also put the updated news such as the growing up price of crude oil. The political changes in your country and at least your favourite team in Euro 2008. But I can't see all these now. Very disssappointed me.

I hope I enter your blog again but it depends on my free time.

Thank you.

Cesc Zam Fabregas.
Madrid, Spain.
Euro 2008.

aBAH said...


Cesc Zam Fabregas said...


Aku manusia biasa saja.... Semoga Allah meredai hidupku dan matiku, dan guru-guruku, dan ibu bapa ku dan isteri dan anak-anakku...

Cesc Zam,